$25,000 Prize for Google Android Developer Challenge in Cameroon

google android developer challenge in cameroon

Google is in Africa big time.
Google is sponsoring an Android Developer Challenge in Cameroon. The first prize is worth $25,000 and will go to a team of 3 talented mobile application developers in Cameroon.

A G-Cameroon workshop will take place in Akwa Douala from June 15-16, 2011. Participants will learn how to develop mobile Appps for the Android plattform.

Deadline for Registration: 1st June 2011.

Here are some of the topics to be covered.

Maps – API, Fusion Tables and location-based Apps
Introduction to GWT App Engine &
Lab: App Engine & GWT
HTML5 Practice
Google Apps APIs and Script Apps
Android – Wraps, Clients and Web Apps
Tips for Developing Mobile
Round Table – Create Web and Mobile Product
App Competition
Introduction to Python & Java App Engine
Advanced session on Maps API and KML
Develop in a favorable research environment
Google Apps Marketplace
YouTube Developer
Extensions Chrome

Click HERE for more info and registration.